Our family has a HUGE event coming up. It's very near and dear to our hearts. Most of you know our oldest son Trace was diagnosed with Severe Hemophilia days after he was born...something we were not expecting in the least bit. As soon as we were released from the Labor and Delivery, we were scheduled to head straight to Dayton Children's. We were sat in a conference room with our families by our side where a lady said the words no mother ever wanted to hear. Something was wrong. I remember looking at everyone's faces and lastly looking down at Trace sound asleep in his car seat only 4 days old. I broke down! My world was shattered. I went completely numb and wanted to wake up from this nightmare. The nurse kept saying "sweetheart we will get through this and it will be okay." So from that day forward things were going to be different. We had to set up a plan and take in more knowledge than I ever thought I would need to know. But the bottom line was...I HAD A LITTLE BRUISER. I have a child who needed to basically be put into a bubble or else there was a huge risk of something bad happening. As a mother I did all I could to protect Trace from everything. But the older he got the more I realized...HAAAAA! God really pulled a fast one on us! God gave us this wild boy who does anything and everything extreme. He was riding quads by the age of 3 by himself and doing burnouts! He was riding his bike without training wheels and seeing how long he could go with no hands! Everyday he turns into this kid who basically kicks butt! He became our hero. He became my reason to keep going. I mean after all, this kid has to have a needle stuck in his arm every 10 days and have medication pushed into his system just in order to have a somewhat normal day. So if this 10 year old can do this, I can keep going through whatever life gives me!
Trace an amazing Basketball player & baseball player!
He enjoys life & knows that his family always has his back!

Race day, September 21st, Rice Field
8:30am to 9:45 am - Packet pick up
10am - Race start
11am - Race timing stops
This is our favorite event we do and its so meaningful to us!
if you are unable to make the event please donate!
The event is at - Rice field in Miamisburg
Come be apart of TEAM TRACE!
If you aren't able to attend please consider donating !